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Does Wearing a Waist Trimmer Belt Help You Burn Belly Fat?

Stubborn belly fat is one of the biggest fitness problems for many men and women in Ghana. Getting lean and beautiful muscles isn’t such a challenging task. Making the belly fat disappear, on the other hand, has made many fail.

Fitness product manufacturers have responded through the creation of waist trimmer belts. The premise is simple and it certainly sounds promising. Can trimmer belts, however, be used to get rid of belly fat effectively?

How does the Waist Trimmer Belt Work?

A waist trimmer belt is a product designed to enhance the results of workouts and to promote the loss of fat in the belly region. It acts as a mini-sauna that you put on before getting started with a workout.

This garment is usually made of a material like neoprene. Neoprene heats the body and doesn’t absorb the sweat. This is how it increases the core temperature and makes it very easy to burn a lot of the stubborn fat in the belly region.

In essence, this is the theory behind the creation of waist trimmer belts. There are various types of such products, some delivering better results than others. Several factors will be determining for the effectiveness of these workout garments.

Features and Effectiveness

The first way in which a waist trimmer will deliver almost instant results is through the loss of water weight.

The mini-sauna that you put around your mid-section causes intense sweating. The retention of liquids is a very common problem for women (the female hormones have some impact on this physiological specific). The loss of the water stored in the core tissues can deliver almost instant slimness. One thing to keep in mind, however, is that the effect will be lost when the body becomes fully-hydrated once again.

When a waist trimmer belt is used consistently and over the long run, it can stimulate the permanent loss of fat. The waist trimmer isn’t a miracle solution. Hard work, exercise and a balanced diet will be required. Choosing a quality waist trimmer belt and working out a few times per week, however, can lead to serious fat loss.

Choosing the Right Waist Trimmer

For the past few years, different waist trainer belts has been floating around in Ghana, however, waist trimmers aren’t created equal. Choosing the right product will be imperative for optimal results.

A good waist trimmer is made of soft and flexible neoprene. The material intensifies sweating and at the same time, it’s very comfortable to wear. Such a waist trimmer will flex with the body and it’s not going to bunch up.

In addition, a good waist trimmer should feature secure fastening. Metal hooks and Velcro straps are typically used to give maximum compression and keep the waist trimmer belt in the correct position.

Good products come in a range of sizes. They should feel comfortable rather than excessively restraining. Good stretching is also essential for wrapping the belt around the tummy, keeping the fat inside the belt and producing the sauna-like effect. You can take advantage of Lynn Fashion’s 65% discount promo and purchase your high quality waist trimmer belt now. Product will be shipped to any location in Ghana.

A Few Words of Caution

So, a trimmer belt can be used to get rid of the stubborn belly fat. There are a few things to keep in mind, however, if you want to get results and be safe during your workouts.

As already mentioned, this garment intensifies sweating. If you’re doing very strenuous workouts and you lose a lot of water during them, it’s important to focus on hydration. The trimmer belt can make you dehydrated, which is far from healthy. Drink plenty of liquids after you’re done with the exercise to replenish your body’s water supply.

In addition, the belt has a compressing effect. This compression produces a slim silhouette but it can be dangerous. A waist trimmer belt is designed for use of up to two hours per day. If you intend to use the belt for longer periods of time, you’ll need to talk to your physician first.

Trimmer belts are very simple and effective. They help you get rid of water weight and they also speed up fat burning. These are the two reasons why such products have become so popular lately. As already mentioned, it’s very important to pick the right trimmer belt for your workout needs. Going through our product reviews will make it a lot easier for you to decide.

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Proven Ways to Lose Belly Fat Naturally in Ghana

Until recently in Ghana, we barely pay attention to what our tummy looks like.  That has given our belly just enough time to develop tummy fat and stubborn tummy fat can be very hard to shift. Due to our often sedentary lifestyles and stressful jobs, medicated with alcohol and biscuits, belly fat can easily build up. And, it’s not just our ability to win the swimsuit competition that’s affected by the belly build up: fat deposits around the belly are linked to serious health issues, including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.

Below, we’ve compiled ten easy-to-follow steps that can help melt that middle away. From introducing more protein and soluble fibre into your diet, to adding resistance training to your workouts, it shouldn’t be long before you’re saying bye bye beer belly, hello fab abs!

Drink less alcohol

It’s important to cut down your alcohol intake if you want to lose weight  CREDIT: HERO IMAGES

Yes, it can be very tempting to reach for the merlot at the end of a particularly taxing day at the office, but studies show that alcohol is one of the main offenders when it comes to storing belly fat. Consider this: if you consume just two glasses of wine an evening, that’s an extra 72,000 calories a year, which equates to 20 pounds of fat.

Alcohol contains a very high amount of ’empty’ calories, which don’t have any nutritional value. Women are more likely to store the fat created by surplus calories on their hips, thighs and arms, men store it on their tummy, hence the ‘beer belly’.

If you’re keen on reducing your tummy fat quickly, it’s advised that you cut out alcohol from your diet completely. If that sounds too severe (life is for living, right?), then aim to drink cut down your intake by capping the volume you drink in one sitting to one or two glasses.

Eat a high protein diet

Make sure you include protein in your diet if you want to lose belly fat  CREDIT: ANDREW CROWLEY FOR THE TELEGRAPH /ANDREW CROWLEY

There’s a good amount of evidence to suggestion that protein is key to losing tummy fat. Firstly, it releases the hormone PYY, which helps to send a message to your brain that you’re full. A dollop of protein in a meal should help you avoid overeating.

Many observational studies prove that people with a higher protein intake have lower levels of belly fat. It also raises your metabolic rate, making you more likely to build muscle during and after exercise.

Try to get a serving with every meal: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Perform resistance training with Waist Trainer Belt

Waist trimmer belt targets your midsection with abdominal compression to increase heat and burn targeted fat.

Everyone knows that regular exercise is necessary in order to lose weight; however not everyone knows that resistance training is one of the best way to do so.

Resistance training, also known as weight lifting or strength training, is important for improving and maintaining muscle mass. Combining resistance training with waist trainer belt guarantees maximum efffect. Waist trimmer retains body heat and increases your core temperature during exercise improving sweat production and activity. It also helps to spike our metabolisms,  which means your body burns fat even after you’ve left the gym.

However, it’s worth saying that the best possible training plan probably combines a variety of exercises with waist trainer belt. In one study of teenagers, it was proved that a combination of weight training and aerobic exercise was the most beneficial – which means that barbell curls alone aren’t the answer.

You can take advantage of Lynn Fashion Ghana’s 65% discount promo and get super effective waist trainer belt for just 90 GHS.

Reduce your stress levels

Reduce stress levels with pleasurable activities CREDIT: CAIA IMAGE / PAUL BRADBURY /GETTY IMAGES

Stress causes your body to gain fat because it triggers the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn increases your appetite.

How do you relieve stress? To an extent, the answer is personal – we’re all different – but studies consistently show that getting out in nature and regular bouts of meditation work to reduce our anxiety.

Don’t eat a lot of sugary foods

Try to cut down on sugary snacks  CREDIT: ANTHONY DEVLIN /PA

Calorie for calorie, sugar is different to other food groups such as protein, complex carbohydrates, and fat, because it confuses your normal appetite controls and causes your body to produce fat. Refined sugars are often hidden in a plethora of different products that you wouldn’t expect such as fruit juices. Make sure to check the labels before eating the products.

Address food sensitivities

You may be unaware that you’re allergic to dairy, gluten or another irritant

People often have food sensitivities that go unaddressed for years. If you think you may be suffering form an allergy, it’s important that you report it to your doctor who may refer you to a dietitian.

Common food sensitivities include dairy and gluten, both of which can result in an inflammation of the gut, making it even more prone to developing more sensitivities. Addressing these allergies can have dramatic impacts on weight loss, and even mood and behaviour.

Get plenty of restful sleep

Sleep allows your body to heal and recuperate

Sleep is one of the most important aspects of your overall health and wellbeing, especially when it comes to managing your weight. In one 16-year study, it was shown that women who slept for less than five hours a night were significantly more likely to gain weight around their bellies than those who slept seven hours or more.

Easy ways to improve the quality of your sleep are by making sure you don’t look at screens late at night, and by practicing some gentle yoga before bed. umes and blackberries.

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Quality Waist Trainer Belt with Delivery to any Location in Ghana

2018 Super Quality Workout Waist Trainer Belt for that unique shape.

Get your curvy waist tummy trainer and belt delivered to you at your doorstep anywhere in Ghana.

  • Perfectly aggressive and comfortable.
  • NO zippers, NO clips, NO rolls or flips! Easy to put on and stay on.
  • Literally melts away the fat.
  • Comes in three colors.
  • Perfect for everyday use and for exercising.
  • Will definitely improve your posture, provide lumbar support, AND shape your waist.

Not only do you get a quality Waist Trainer Belt at the most affordable price in Ghana, you also get all the great benefits our product provides.

  • Pro Fitness Trainer Quality
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About Lynn Fashion Ghana Workout Waist Trimmer Belt

Made with special Neotex smart fabric technology, this ultra-thin waist trainer belt generates heat to comfortably increase temperature wherever it makes contact with the skin. The breathable high-performance fabric conforms to your figure, giving you a desired comfortable fit. This lightweight material not only provides comfort, but also allows you to move freely. No need to worry about sweat exposure as the moisture wicking material guarantees you’ll stay dry on the outside.

Waist Trainer Belt (Video)

It offers you some assistance with losing abundance body weight speedier than any time in recent memory.

Our waist trainer belt works awesome and is anything but difficult to use in ordinary body life.

Helps in expanding center temperature of your body. It helps in thinning down your tummy, waist, stomach area and thighs. It helps in boosting your wellness schedule. In this way, Hot shaper makes an impeccable day by day wellness wear to lose your weight quicker than at any other time.

This sleek and comfortable waist trimmer is known for taking the smallest workouts to world-class athletic levels. Designed to fit your body seamlessly, it is virtually undetectable under most clothing. Wear it during an intense workout at your next spinning class or during a calming yoga experience. For optimal results, wear with Instant Trainer. The easily adjustable waist trainer provides much needed compression to slim the waistline.

Promotes Rapid Weight Loss

Lynn Fashion belly fat burning waist trimmer belt targets your midsection with abdominal compression to increase heat and burn targeted fat.

Form-Fitting & Adjustable

Our flexible waist trimming belt is not only made to fix your exact body curves, it’s adjustable up to 42” so it can be worn by men and women of all shapes and sizes.

Workout Waist Trimmer Belt

Tones Abs & Improved Posture

When you wear our waist trimming belt, you’ll naturally display better posture which tenses the abs while burning belly fat. Great for those looking to shed water weight and burn direct fat.

Premium, Soft Neoprene

Each of our belts is made from premium, flexible, moisture-wicking neoprene. That means it’s easy to clean, fits to your body, and won’t pitch or irritate your skin.

Money Back Guarantee!

We’re confident that our premium waist trimmer belt is the most effective fitness belt on the market. If you are not 100% satisfied with our waist trimmer belt, we will issue you a full, no questions refund.

We are offer full refund to items returned within 7 days both on and our Jumia store.

Buy now online from Lynn Fashion Ghana at the best price and have it delivered right at your doorstep or you can buy from our Jumia store.

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